My Friend Bal

Created by Claire 3 years ago

From the first day that I met Bal in the Leicester office I knew we would be friends.  We hit it off immediately and right from the beginning she was looking after me.  This was probably due to me arriving in the Leicester office with bag in one hand and shoes and plasters in the other!!! – as I explained to Bal I hadn’t had proper shoes on for the last 7 months, so when I had put my shoes on the previous day to go to the London office I had ended up with blisters everywhere.  Bal’s answer was “don’t worry you will be fine, put your plasters on and I will put the kettle on”. 

Bal was the glue that held everybody in the Leicester office together.  There was always a Bal "hug" if you needed it and a voice on the end of the phone if you needed a pick me up or somebody to listen to you moaning!!  She always made sure everybody was ok before worrying about herself.  Nothing was ever too much trouble for her.

Bal was so proud of her two girls and loved being a Nana to her Grandson Luca.  I still remember the excitement in her voice when she rang me to say he had been born - she was just so happy.  She will be looking down on them all and keeping a watchful eye on them for now and always. 

I will miss you so much Bal.  Thank you for always being there for me and for being a wonderful friend.  Heaven has gained a wonderful angel.  Sleep tight Bal.  RIP my lovely lady xx

Claire xx